How I Clean

In the past a set of ladders and the simple squeegee were the tools of the trade for every window cleaner. Nowadays though, you’re much more likely to see a window cleaner carrying out his work from the safety of the ground, using a telescopic water fed pole. 

So how does the pure water water fed pole system actually work? The windows are not squeegeed off or dried manually – they are left to dry naturally – which might seem odd given that water normally leaves 'water marks'. 

Purified Water

Ordinary tap water is full of sediments and minerals which cause spotting and streaking when left to dry on a surface. For that reason purified water must be used with a waterfed pole window cleaning system. I purify all of my window cleaning water by passing it through a series of filters and a deionisation resin.

Telescopic Water Fed Poles 

The main tool I use now to clean windows is the water fed pole - a carbon fibre telescopic pole with a variety of cleaning brushes with which I can easily access heights of up to 35-feet. The pure water is then pumped up this pole, allowing me to scrub, wash and rinse away any dirt. Because the cleaning process has used pure water, the windows can then be left to dry naturally, with a crystal clear finish. 

Safe & Eco-friendly 

This cleaning system eliminates the need for ladders and detergents, reducing the risk of injury and damage to property. The purified water is completely harmless to your property, garden, pets and the environment. The water is processed in a responsible manner with the rejected water used to water the plants for my wife's sustainable and organic plant nursery business! All the energy I use to power my equipment is from renewable sources and I now run an electric van charged on a renewable energy tariff. So rest assured that your windows can be still be left completely clean without affecting the quality of our environment.

High Quality Finish and Versatile

Purified water leaves no detergent residue behind unlike traditional methods which used to cause dust in the air to stick to the newly cleaned surface - hence why traditionally windows would be cleaned monthly or even fortnightly - I find that this cleaning system means that windows normally stay clean for 6 weeks.

The water fed pole system also often allows me to access windows that you could not get to on a ladder such as Velux windows and windows above big conservatories or extensions.